I wonder why I ever stopped blogging. I was awesome being able to look back at those other ones and know exactly what i]I was thinking and feeling then. I have a facebook friend, Kenli Peterson, and she has a daily blog. I love to read hers. It's kind of like being in someone's head, knowing all their thoughts. I had my blog up and running long before hers, she just gave me the motivation to go on a typing spree!
Anyways. I guess i should do some updating.
-Last time I posted, I was living with my aunt Jill, single, no friends, no job, still in online high school.
-Now, I am living on my own in a tiny apartment, with my amazing boyfriend (Donnie) of almost 8 months, loving the girlfriends I have become so close too, working a full-time job, graduated high school, and even tried a little college (but dropped out because of stress and Jill moving) I will go back sometime soon, I promise. It's on my bucket list!
Since I've been not updating some things have happened:
-Dad got cancer in August. Kidney cancer. He now has only one is is kickin' and better than ever.
-Kennidea is now living full-time with dad. It was a long and dangerous journey but we made it. She still struggles, but how can she not. I still struggle everyday with everything we've been through, and just the fact that our lives are so much different now is sometimes hard to handle. So I understand her, probably more than anyone in this world.
-Jill moved to Des Monies and got a kick ass job. She broke things off with her fiance' and practically started all over. In my eyes, she's happier than I've ever seen her.
-My mother lost A LOT of weight. Don't ask me how but lets just say she is smaller than I am now! What in the world.
-Grandpa is doing awesome. It's been over a year since his accident and he is moving like nothing ever happened. He even put an addition on his garage. It is now, legally as big as the city will let his garage be. Oh grandpa.
- Oh! And probably the biggest new of all...SLOANE HAS A BOYFRIEND?! Yes, I know right. Pretty sure everyone in my family dropped a load when they found out. Still, 71/2 months later, I freak out a little about it. It's a huge change and it's taken a lot of work, but it's so worth it. He's everything I have ever dreamed of. Actually I take that back. I dream of Mark Walhberg. Close, but not the same. I can honestly say, I would have never expected to be this happy with anyone ever. I've always been more of a loner, but no more. He's become my #1...
Well blogger isn't letting me upload pictures! So I will try one more time. Fingers crossed?