1. I am so irritated with everyone asking me about school, and if I will finish and blahblahblah. I just want to be done. I hate the attention from all this school crap. I just like to fade into the woodwork. And I can feel all the compliments coming already, and I don't take compliments well. I feel like they are awkward, I don't know what to say. I feel like I don't deserve to be congradulated for completing online school. I think it is dumb. I NEVER bring up school, because it is not a big deal to me. I just want it to be done. I cannot wait to forget about it forever. It is not like I have even learned anything during these past few months, I mean, I don't remember anything already. BAD.
2. I read an email. It made me very angry, I will never live things down with here. I will never be good enough. I don't regret anything I have done, but when I read things like that I have a hard time not regreting the things that made me smarter and stronger. Whatever, I guess. I will never amount to anything in her eyes, I am not going to try either. I really don't care. I do not need her. Never really have. It has always been just me.
3. THIS WEATHER! These clouds are a huge downer on my mood. It makes mem want to punch babies. Seriously though. Last night it was really pretty out though. The colors were very vivid. I just cannot wait to step out of that plane on Saturday and feel that deathly heat. It will be great.

4. This trip. I leave Saturday for Az. I am way excited for it, but it is eating me up that I cannot tell my friends. Well I shouldn't say that I cannot tell them that I am coming, because I can, but I would rather surprise them. It will be a great surprise. I keep giving them little hints and I know that they have no idea what is about to happen. I have lots of ideas about what we can do. I just can't wait for that feeling. The feeling that you go get out of the car, run some errands, and go home. You go into a freezing house beause the air conditioning is blasting; but the heat is so powerful you feel like it is trying to get into the house. I know it sounds strange, but that is an Az summer. And I just can't wait.
5. I am bored with teris but that is my life. Boring of course. Always has been, always will be.

I guess I really should finish up that class, but I seriously have no motivation. Just can't get myself to do it. I just can't. I don't want to.
I took a quick break.
Ate some lunch.
I feel better now though, that and the sun is shinning :))
So thats a 10.
Well. I am out of things to say.